Cookpro., Ltd.

Home baking basics

Date : 2019-12-11

Baking, also known as baking, refers to the process by which food is dried and hardened by dehydration. Baked food is based on flour, oil, sugar, eggs and other main materials, add an appropriate amount of ingredients, and through the dough, fermentation, molding, baking and other processes made of diversified taste, nutritious food. It's hard to date the origins of baked goods, but since the advent of the electric oven, baked goods have entered a "golden age" of rapid development. Baked goods play an important role in many good foods, both staple and non-staple.

In recent years, food safety issues, including exposure to unregulated additives or the use of additives, have led many families to become more cautious about buying baked goods and spend more time in the kitchen making them themselves. At the same time, with the popularity of household electric ovens in China, more and more "cooking women" are attracted by the smokeless, healthy, nutrition and other characteristics of baked goods. Many people are even captured by the "magic" working mode of electric ovens and become loyal fans of baking.

Baked goods are modern "imports" and require the same basic knowledge and cooking skills as traditional home-cooked foods.

Introduction to baking materials

Powder class

High-gluten flour: wheat flour contains more than 12.5% protein, which is one of the main ingredients for bread. It is mainly used for muffins (pastry) and creamed hollow cakes (puff) in scones, and mainly for fruit cakes in cakes.

Medium flour: wheat flour contains 9% ~ 12% protein, which is mostly used in Chinese steamed buns, steamed buns, dumplings and some western cakes, such as egg tarts and pies.

Low gluten flour: wheat flour has a protein content of 7% ~ 9%. It is one of the main ingredients for making cakes, and also one of the main ingredients in mixed pastry.

Whole wheat flour: wheat flour contains its outer bran, making it an inner germ. The ratio of LW bran is the same as that of raw wheat, which is used to make whole wheat bread, sachet, etc.

Cereal: usually refers to oatmeal, used in baked goods to make whole grain breads and small scones

Cornmeal: small, granular, ground corn, used in baking products as cornmeal bread and multigrain bread, or sprinkled on platters for shaping and gluing when making French bread on a large scale.

Cocoa powder: available in high fat, medium fat, low fat, and B.

Other powder

Cornstarch, also known as cornstarch, begins to swell and gelatinize when heated in water to 65°C. It is mostly used in jelly or custard fillings for pies. Can also be added to the cake formula, can reduce the gluten of flour.

Rye flour: it is made by grinding rye, because its protein composition and wheat are different, do not contain gluten, and high gluten wheat flour mixture.

Wheat germ: the part of a wheat germ separated from its body during milling and used in making wheat germ bread. Wheat germ is rich in nutrients, especially suitable for children and the elderly.

Bran: the outermost layer of wheat, used mostly as feed, but also blended into high-gluten flour to make high-fiber bran bread.

Oil class

White cream: it is the same product as white oil, but the refining process is better than white oil. White cream, which contains water, is most often used for framing cakes, while white cream, which does not contain water, is most often used for cream cakes, cream frosting and other good western dishes.

Butter: has the natural and pure frankincense taste, the color is good, the nutrition value is high, has the very big help to the improvement product quality. Butter is often used in the making of cakes.